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:: Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2015) ::
j.health 2015, 6(1): 86-101 Back to browse issues page
Education Effect on Knowledge and Attitude of Chefs of Hotels and Restaurants’ in Yazd to Prevent Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases in 2012
H Shahbazi * , SS Mazloomi Mahmodabadi , M Mobasheri , H Mozaffari Khosravi , M Karimi , A Esmaili
Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (10778 Views)

Background & Objectives: Cardiovascular diseases are the most important cause of death in Iran and the world. Regarding the relationships between cardiovascular diseases and nutritional status as well as the tendency of people toward having food in restaurants and hotels present study conducted to study the effect of education on knowledge, attitude and practice of restaurant and hotels’ chefs to prevent risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in Yazd. Methods: In a semi-experimental study, intervention factor for case group was education through lectures, pamphlets, and videos were. All the restaurant and hotels’ chefs of Yazd were divided in two groups, intervention and control (each group 39). Data were gathered through a researcher made questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed under supervision of health education and cardiovascular professionals and its reliability was proved through conducting a pilot study and calculation of Cronbach's alpha (α=0.75). Pretest was done prior to interventional educational program (in 4 sessions of 90 min). Posttest questionnaire was filled in after one week from implementation of educational intervention and the data were analyzed by SPSS software using appropriate statistical tests. Results: Before training, average scores of knowledge and attitude had no significant differences between case and control groups. However, unlike attitude (p=0.065), mean score of knowledge (p<0.001) significantly increased in intervention group comparing to control group. Significant differences were observed in scores of knowledge and attitude of intervention group between prior and one week after education courses (p<0.001). The main information source of the subjects was media (63.5%) with physicians being their preferred source (62.2%). Conclusion: According to average knowledge of chefs before the intervention and significant role of chefs on cardiovascular health improving chefs' information through regular training programs in consultation and health education centers, posters, pamphlets, and media is suggested.

Keywords: Education, Knowledge, Attitude, Cardiovascular Diseases, Chef.
Full-Text [PDF 276 kb]   (2982 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/03/17 | Accepted: 2015/03/17 | Published: 2015/03/17
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Shahbazi H, Mazloomi Mahmodabadi S, Mobasheri M, Mozaffari Khosravi H, Karimi M, Esmaili A. Education Effect on Knowledge and Attitude of Chefs of Hotels and Restaurants’ in Yazd to Prevent Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases in 2012. j.health 2015; 6 (1) :86-101
URL: http://healthjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-530-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2015) Back to browse issues page
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