Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract: (2012 Views)
Background & objectives: Increasing solid waste has made waste management an important challenge in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to comparative evaluation of the application of incineration technologies and other waste disposal methods in Iran using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in 2019. Methods: In this descriptive-applied research, after making a hierarchy, the first criteria and decision alternatives (1-Sanitary landfill Method 2-Source Reduction, Recycling+ Compost+ Landfill 3-Source Reduction, Recycling+Incineration Technologies+ Landfill) were selected. Then, the comparison and analysis were performed using Expert Choice 11 software and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Results: The weights of three scenarios (1- Sanitary landfill Method 2-Source Reduction, Recycling+ Compost+ Landfill 3- Source Reduction, Recycling+ Incineration Technology+ Landfill) for waste management in Iran were determined, 0.26, 0.486 and 0.255, respectively. The Consistency Ratio (CR) was obtained less than 0.1 for all paired matrices of alternatives. Conclusion: The second scenario with the weight of 0.486 was selected as the best method for solid waste management in Iran. Therefore, it is recommended to invest on and create the necessary infrastructure in the country in line with the above-mentioned priority. The third scenario, with a weight of 0.255, was selected as the last priority of waste management in the country. Therefore, it is recommended that supervisory and responsible organizations do not have a permit to construct and commission of incineration technologies for municipal waste management without conducting environmental, health and economic studies.
Ghayebzadeh M, Aslani H, Taghipour H. Comparative Evaluation of the Application of Incineration Technologies and Other Waste Disposal Methods in Iran Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). 2021; 12 (2) :153-166 URL: