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:: Volume 14, Issue 3 (autumn 2023) ::
j.health 2023, 14(3): 367-378 Back to browse issues page
Knowledge of the Role of Cigarette and Hookah Consumption in COVID-19 Disease among the Businesspeople of Ardabil City
S Sadeghieh-Ahari , H Hoseinpour , M* Aghamohammadi *
Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
Abstract:   (465 Views)
Background & objectives: Coronavirus is one of the respiratory pathogens that may cause from a mild cold to more severe diseases. According to studies, there is a relationship between smoking and the severity of the disease caused by this virus. However, people's awareness about this connection needs to be clarified. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the level of awareness among the businesspeople of Ardabil City about the relationship between smoking and hookah smoking and the COVID-19 disease and its related factors.
Methods: This study was descriptive-analytical research conducted on 380 people from the businesspeople of Ardabil city, who were selected using the available sampling method. In order to collect data, a demographic information form and a researcher-made questionnaire about the relationship between tobacco use and COVID-19 disease were used, the validity and reliability of which were confirmed. Data was entered into SPSS software version 25 and analyzed using descriptive (number, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential (independent t-tests and Spearman correlation coefficient).
Results: A total of 376 people were included in this study. The average age of the study subjects was 36.88±11.49 years. Out of 376 people, 189 people (50.3%) were smoking. The average score of the participants' awareness about the relationship between smoking and hookah usage with the COVID-19 disease was 11.35±5.58 (out of 22 points). The level of awareness of female participants was significantly higher than that of men, and with increasing age, the level of awareness increased (p<0.05). No significant relationship was observed between people's knowledge score and their level of education and occupation.
Conclusion: Considering the moderate awareness of the participants about the relationship between smoking and hookah and the disease COVID-19, people in the community need more education in this field. The correct education of people requires the actions of health policymakers, which can be done by producing brochures, holding online meetings, using social networks and with the participation of union officials.
Keywords: COVID-19, Knowledge, Cigarettes, Hookah, Businesspeople
Full-Text [PDF 264 kb]   (180 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/12/9 | Accepted: 2023/12/1 | Published: 2023/12/1
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Sadeghieh-Ahari S, Hoseinpour H, Aghamohammadi M. Knowledge of the Role of Cigarette and Hookah Consumption in COVID-19 Disease among the Businesspeople of Ardabil City. j.health 2023; 14 (3) :367-378
URL: http://healthjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-2800-en.html

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