Background & Objectives: Families have an important role in addiction of their children. Findings show that close relationships exist between family members and addiction. Since mother has close and long-lasting contact with her child within the family members, the mothers’ role on addiction of children from point of view of addicted children’s mothers was studied. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 200 mothers of drug addicted children. The subjects (40-70 years), who declared that their child is drug addicted, were selected based on cluster sampling method in Kerman city. After getting consent, a validity and reliability confirmed questionnaire was used to collect data. The researcher-made questionnaire contained demographic information and 20 questions on mothers’ role in addiction of children. Descriptive and analytical tests were applied for data analysis using SPSS version 15. Results: Results showed that 85% of subjects had addicted sons aged from 22 to 45 years. 80% of mothers blamed themselves on their child addiction and believed that they would be more careful if they were aware that their child may also be at the risk of drug addiction. Family disputes, child ignorance, and drug use in presence of children account for 83, 41, and 36% of children addiction, respectively. Conclusion: The findings showed that mother's knowledge can greatly prevent drug addiction of children.
MehdiPoor Rabori R, Nematollahi M, Nouhi E. The Family Role in Drug Addiction of Children from the Perspective of Addicted Children's Mothers in Kerman. 2012; 3 (2) :67-72 URL: