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:: Volume 3, Issue 3 (autumn 2012) ::
j.health 2012, 3(3): 28-37 Back to browse issues page
Relationships between Welfare Facilities and Staff's Sense of Responsibility in Noor District Health Centers
AA Nasiripour * , SJ Tabibi , M Habibi
Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Abstract:   (12343 Views)

Background & objectives: Human force is the most important and efficient factor to achieve goals of each organization. Motivational factors culminate in elevating sense of responsibility and subsequently providing efficient services. The aim of this research was to determine relationships between welfare facilities and staff's sense of responsibility in Health Centers of Noor City. Methods: Present correlational study is performed cross-sectionally on 112 individuals. Data were collected through a questionnaire from the subjects assigned into two groups clinical staff (i.e. physicians, dentists, nurses, and midwives) and nonclinical staffs (i.e. associate and BSc holders in health science, laboratory technicians, service staff, and receptionists). For data analysis nonparametric tests including Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient were used. Results: Based on the findings, all the welfare indices were lower than the average value of 3 and responsibility indices were higher than the average score of 18. There was a significant relationship between offering credit facilities and staff sense of responsibility (p=0.042, r=0.223). However, no significant relationship was observed between offering clinical and insurance facilities, commuting facilities, housing facilities, cultural, sport and tourist facilities, allowances, and other welfare services with staff sense of responsibility. Conclusion: Since among all types of welfare facilities, only credit facility had a significant relationship with staff's sense of responsibility, it can be concluded that sense of responsibility among staff would be increased by increasing facility level, improving fair distribution system and providing response to essential requirements.

Keywords: Welfare Facilities, Responsibility, Health Centers
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/01/23 | Accepted: 2014/01/23 | Published: 2014/01/23
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Nasiripour A, Tabibi S, Habibi M. Relationships between Welfare Facilities and Staff's Sense of Responsibility in Noor District Health Centers. j.health 2012; 3 (3) :28-37
URL: http://healthjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-63-en.html

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