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:: Volume 9, Issue 2 (supp spring 2018) ::
j.health 2018, 9(2): 204-214 Back to browse issues page
Investigation of Steel/Pb/PbO2 Electrode Efficiency to Remove Reactive Blue 29 and Reactive Red 198 Azo Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Using Electrochemical Process
AR Rahmani , Gh Azarian , S Valadbeigi , S* Shanesaz *
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (3243 Views)
Background & objectives: Dyes are one of the most important existing pollutants of textile industry wastewater. They are often toxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, and non-biodegredable. This study was conducted to evaluate efficiency of Steel/Pb/PbO2 electrode in the removal of Reactive Blue 29 and Reactive Red 198 Azo dyes from aqueous solutions using Electrochmical Process.
Methods: Concentration of colors was measured before and after Electrochemical Process. Moreover, the intensity of the electric current, the reaction time, the pH, and the initial dye concentration were measured on the efficiency of the removal process and the amount of electrical energy consumed.
Results: The results of the experiments showed that the process efficiency increased by increasing reaction time and electrical current intensity. It was also decreased by increasing pH and initial concentration of color. Under constant operating conditions (pH=4, electric current intensity of 0.5 mA cm2, reaction time of 60 minutes and color concentration of 150 mg/l), the efficiency of this process were 94% and 88% in the removal of Reactive Red 198 and Reactive Blue 29, respectively.
Conclusion: According to our findings, the Electrochemical Process with Steel/Pb/PbO2 was very efficient and economic process in removing color from wastewater.
Keywords: Electrochemical Process, PbO2 Electrode, Color Removal, Aqueous Solutions
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/06/18 | Accepted: 2018/06/18 | Published: 2018/06/18
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Rahmani A, Azarian G, Valadbeigi S, Shanesaz S. Investigation of Steel/Pb/PbO2 Electrode Efficiency to Remove Reactive Blue 29 and Reactive Red 198 Azo Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Using Electrochemical Process . j.health 2018; 9 (2) :204-214
URL: http://healthjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-1538-en.html

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