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:: Volume 9, Issue 1 (spring 2018) ::
j.health 2018, 9(1): 62-74 Back to browse issues page
The Study of Photocatalytic Oxidation Process (UV-Fe2O3) Efficiency for Removal Hydroquinone from Aqueous Solution
M Khanahmadi , M Hajaghazadeh , F* Gholami-Borujeni *
Abstract:   (4189 Views)
Background & objectives: Hydroquinone used widely in industry. That is toxic for organisms, fish, plants, and humans. Its removal from industrial wastewater and water is a serious problem. The aim of this study was the investigation of the efficiency of photocatalytic oxidation process (UV-Fe2O3) in removal and on the biodegradability of hydroquinone from aqueous solutions.
Methods: Oxidation process of hydroquinone was studied by adding Fe2O3 nanoparticles in the form of suspension in a 2.5- liter volume glass batch reactor. The influence of variables such as the concentration of pollutants (10-50mg/l), ultraviolet light intensity (12-20w/m2), and dose of iron oxide nanoparticles (0.5-2gr/l), reaction time (5-90min), and pH (5-7-10) on the efficiency of photocatalytic oxidation process was studied.
Results: The results showed that the highest removal efficiency of 60% was yielded at pH of 7.5 the pollutant concentration of 40 g/L, contact time of 60 minutes, the nanoparticle dose of 1 g /L, and light intensity of 16 w/m2. The ratios of BOD5/COD for the absence and presence of photocatalytic oxidation in optimum condition were 0.09 and 0.56, respectively.
Conclusion: Totally the results showed that the UV/ Fe2O3 process could be used as an effective method for the removal of the hydroquinone from aqueous solutions and to increase its biodegradability.
Keywords: Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Hydroquinone, Photocatalytic Oxidation, Biodegradability, Aqueous Solution.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/03/18 | Accepted: 2018/03/18 | Published: 2018/03/18
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Khanahmadi M, Hajaghazadeh M, Gholami-Borujeni F. The Study of Photocatalytic Oxidation Process (UV-Fe2O3) Efficiency for Removal Hydroquinone from Aqueous Solution. j.health 2018; 9 (1) :62-74
URL: http://healthjournal.arums.ac.ir/article-1-1467-en.html

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