Background & Objectives: Chemical and microbial quality are the most important characteristics associated with wastewater reuse for agricultural purposes. The aim of this study was determination of efficiency of Ghasr-e-Shirin (constructed wetland) and Kermanshah wastewater treatment plants (conventional activated sludge) to remove protozoan cysts and parasitic eggs in order to reuse in agricultural irrigation. Methods: In total, 96 samples were taken from influent and effluent of the wastewater plants at one week intervals for a period of 6 months for parasitic analysis by Mac master slide(with a hole size 0.3 ml) according to Bailenger method. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: Average removal efficiency of constructed wetland for parasitic eggs and protozoan cysts were 99.7-100% and 100%, respectively. These values for conventional activated sludge of Kermanshah were 97-99% and 99-100%. Statistically significant differences were observed in removal efficiency of the parameters studied between two treatment facilities (P<0.001). Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, removal efficiency for cysts and parasitic eggs in both treatment facilities are desirable with efficiency of constructed wetland being better than conventional activated system. In terms of number of nematode eggs, effluent quality of both treatment plants complies with Angelberg index (number of nematode eggs per liter ≤ 1).