Background & objectives: The rapid spread of COVID-19 has recently become a worldwide health challenge. Coping with the highly contagious outbreak of COVID-19 requires preventive measures and self-care behaviors in the first instance. To this end, the use of techniques and methods of coping, disease prevention as well as management, lifestyle, education and use of health items and providing self-care instructions can prevent further spread of the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the prioritization of self-care indicators in the prevention of Covid-19 in Ardabil province, which is one of the foci of this disease. Methods: This descriptive-field survey was conducted from the beginning of Covid-19 outbreak (March 1998 to January 1999). The sample size consisted of 120 people who were selected using the available snowball sampling method. Data analysis was performed using TOPSIS analysis software and formulation in Excel software based on weighting with entropy algorithm and prioritization with TOPSIS algorithm. Results: The results of this study showed the Sub-indics of increasing awareness of people about the prevalence of infection with proximity with coefficient (CLi +) of 0.8673, washing hands with soap and water or disinfecting with alcohol-based solution with proximity coefficient (CLi +) of 0.9391, electronicization of most activities Employees' work with a coefficient of closeness (CLi +) of 0.8687, observing a safe distance (1.5 meters) from people who cough and sneeze with a coefficient of closeness (CLi +) of 0.8277, avoiding any gatherings with a coefficient of closeness (CLi +) 0.9276, as the most important indicators among self-care methods in Ardabil province. Conclusion: This study was a proposed method to assist health care providers in making decisions and selecting the COVID-19 self-care model in Ardabil province
Khalili Z, Gholipour F, Salimi M, Maleki Galandouz P, Khosravi I. Prioritization of Self-care Indicators in the Prevention and Control of Covid Disease (COVID-19) based on Entropy and TOPSIS Algorithms (Case Study: Ardabil Province). 2022; 13 (1) :17-33 URL: