Background & objectives: WHO has identified Leishmaniasis as one of the six major diseases in tropical and subtropical regions. Due to the high prevalence of this disease during recent years in the Mehran Township and becoming one of the high-risk areas, this study aimed to determine the status of Leishmaniasis in the Mehran Township during 2013-2017. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the data of all Leishmaniasis disease patients referred to the health centers of Mehran Township were investigated during 2013-2017. Required data such as gender, job, place of residence, and age of patients were collected and analyzed by Excel software. Results: In this research, the numbers of people with Leishmaniasis were 2037 during the years of 2013 to 2017, of which 56.16% (1144 people) were men and 69.70% (1419 people) were residents in the urban area. The age group of 0-10 years with 29.70% (605 people) had the highest prevalence rate. From job perspective, housewives had the highest percentages with 27.10% (277 people) during 2015 to 2017. Conclusion: Performing actions such as justifying the authorities about the importance of the disease especially the risk of it becoming epidemic, implementation control programs for carriers and reservoirs with appropriate establishment, paying more attention to the training of health care providers in the public and private sectors, and paying attention to community education especially in the endemic areas can be effective in controlling this disease.